Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 414 760 16

Carbon free solutions for heavy-duty applications


Carbon-free mobility concepts do not sufficiently take into account shipping &  freight transport

We make large engines CO2-free by combining the benefits of ammonia & hydrogen

In this way, we create a CO2-free solution that is timely and economically viable

#carbonfree #heavy-duty #long distance

Advantages of ammonia

Carbon free transportation of heavy weight goods over long distances cannot be addressed by batteries and fuel cells. There is also a lack of the necessary infrastructure.​

Ammonia–hydrogen beats other drive technologies:

1) Carbon free
Ammonia can be produced and used without CO2 emissions.

2) Transportable

Ammonia can be economically stored and transported in liquid form.

3) Feasible                                                                Ammonia is already handled in large quantities and there is an established infrastructure.

Challenges heavy duty transportation

Ammonia compared to other fuels

Use of ammonia-hydrogen for CO2-free operation

The basic principle of Ammonigy is the operation of combustion engines with ammonia-hydrogen . As part of customer-specific projects, existing combustion engines can be technically converted to ammonia-hydrogen operation.

3 steps are necessary to make large engines CO2-free:


Ammonia storage

Ammonia is stored on site. This avoids the laborious transport and storage of hydrogen.


Implementation of AFR

The Ammonigy Fuel Refinement (AFR) system is installed to convert ammonia into a combustible ammonia-hydrogen mixture.


Interface setting

The engine management system is set for the new mixture to ensure injection and exhaust gas aftertreatment.

Our technology

Our proprietary Ammonigy Fuel Refinement (AFR) and Ammonigy Exhaust Treatment (AET) technologies​ provide full solutions for carbon free operation of all kinds of combustion engines.​

Ammonigy Fuel Refinement

With the patented Ammonigy Fuel Refinement (AFR) system, hydrogen can be generated from ammonia. No separate hydrogen tanks are required. The problem of storing and transporting hydrogen is eliminated.​

Ammonigy Exhaust Treatment

Through the Ammonigy Exhaust Treatment (AET) the generated exhaust gases are handled and converted into nitrogen and water.

Ammonigy Fuel Refinement Ammonigy Exhaust Treatment

Ammonia crackers for hydrogen production at the point of use

The core component of the Ammonigy Fuel Refinement (AFR) is the patented NH3-cracker. By reversing the ammonia synthesis, hydrogen is produced at point of use. The hydrogen is used as a “pilot fuel” in the ammonia-hydrogen mixture that operates the engine.

Exemplary use cases

Products from Ammonigy are not limited to certain industries or markets. Amongst others, the existing use cases of Ammonigy show the wide range of ammonia-hydrogen applications.


The requirements in the marine market with its typically high weight freight and long distance travel cannot be addressed by other fuels or technologies considering a carbon free transportation. The marine market both inland and offshore is one key market of Ammonigy.


In several countries truck tolls or driving bans are directly connected to the emissions of the drive systems. Carbon free alternatives, such as battery driven trucks are, however, not economical in the case of long distances. Ammonigy technologies might be the best option to overcome your current challenges for carbon free road transportation.

mobile heat and energy generation

In many cases mobile energy production is still based on fossile fuels. Especially in remote areas, Ammonigy helps to generate green electric power.